(Cervus elaphus)
The red deer is our main big game and the most searched trophy. During rut season, from the beginning of March to the end of May, the roars of competing stags may be heard throughout El Oasis and La Tranquila as they attempt to attract and defend a harem of 10-15 females. Both El Oasis and La Tranquila have a population of over 400 adult females that live permanently in our fields. There are two well-differentiated populations. One of them lives in the northwest and the other in the southeast; so we can say that El Oasis and La Tranquila are roaring fields.
(Sus scrofa)
Wild boars live near mud wallows where they spend most of the day. They can be seen gathered in groups of about 15-20 animals led by a strong adult male one. They are mainly seen at dawn and dusk in search of food. They are mostly hunted from blinds or, during full moon, they can be stalked on foot. Hunting is allowed year round, and takes place at night.
(Bubalus Bubalis)
Our Mediterranean Buffalos arrived 20 years ago in a large herd. The hunt has been done for 15 years.
The average weight of the adult animal is 600 to 800 kg in males and 600 kg in females.
(Antilope cervicapra)
They arrived 15 years ago and since then they are part of the Big game. Hunting is done during the day by long distance shots.